Meet our Founder, Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale
Reverend Dr. Beverly Dale liberated herself from the repression and abuse of her small-town conservative upbringing, earned her education, served as a pastor (Disciples of Christ) and a campus minister (University of Pennsylvania). She pooled the wisdom from those experiences to create one of the edgiest, most radical, and most challenging non-profit organizations on the scene. She also co-authored “Advancing Sexual Health for the Christian Client: Data and Dogma”, with sex therapist Rachel Keller. This groundbreaking resource presents the science of human sexuality along with a body-positive Christian framework.
Dale is an ordained Christian clergy who has spent most of her thirty years of ministry helping people reconnect their spirits and their bodies, and confronting sex-negativity in the church and culture. Dale was an ecumenical campus minister at the University of Pennsylvania for over two decades where she became conversant with the issues and struggles for young adults both in the ‘hook up culture’ and in sexual minority communities.
As an artist and writer, she wrote, produced and performed a one-woman show about her spiritual and sexual journey. She was awarded the Community Service award from the Diabolique Foundation as a “Kink-Positive Missionary of Pleasure.” As an activist, she co-founded Pennsylvania Religious Coalition for Reproductive Justice, and is also involved in PA Clergy for Choice. In addition to her activism, theological writing, and work with IISF, she is an adjunct professor of sexuality and religion at Lancaster Theological Seminary, and a Pastor at UCC Levittown (sermons available at www.ucclevittown.org).