IISF Professional Leadership Training
Balancing Sex & Faith
(Level #1)
Spring 2025
Teaching an inclusive, science-friendly, sex-positive Christianity
March 3rd - April 28th, with one week off for holy week
Virtually on Mondays from 6:30-9pm EST
This intensive training is designed for those who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year of academic training in theology, social work, and/or sexual health. Exceptions can be made on an individual basis for those with similar qualifying experience. This 8-week course is offered virtually, however, space is limited. Applicants will be selected to achieve a balance of racial, gender, orientation, and academic focus.
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 16. AASECT CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification.
The purpose of this educational training is to give tools to those clergy and sexual health professionals who are on the front lines and confronted with the reality of both the religiously derived sexual wounding and ignorance of parishioners, clients, and students that diminishes sexual potential and creates personal and interpersonal difficulties. The tools we provide include how to frame a different narrative than the traditional sex-negative message promoted throughout much of Christendom. It joins a sex-positive, biblically grounded Christian gospel focusing on pleasure, grace, and abundance with scientific research on what constitutes healthy sexuality and satisfying intimate relationships. The goal is to teach clergy to become more aware of sexual diversity and the extent of sexual wounding and to teach sexologists a liberating Christian teaching that supports sexual health and well-being.
Coordinated under the leadership of an ordained Christian clergy and IISF trained practitioner this training includes significant opportunities for participants to interact with those from a contrasting discipline thereby enriching the wealth of experiences, knowledge, and insights of professional colleagues.
“Cultural Forces that Shaped Christian Sex Negativity”
“Reframing God”
“The Jesus Continuum”
“Shame and the Unholy Trinity”
“Erasing the Line” (Intersectionality & Privilege)
“Understanding Rule-Based Thinking: Who Might Resist Sex-Positivity"
The text for this class is Advancing Sexual Health for the Christian Client; Data and Dogma, by Beverly Dale and Rachel Keller (2019). Additional designated readings, videos, and projects will be assigned weekly. Reading and watching videos will be expected in preparation for the training.
Applications Open February 3rd - February 17th, 2025
Application requirements:
Completed application form
Contact information of two references, one personal and one professional
A 300–500-word essay providing the reasons for wanting this training
Non-refundable application fee of $50. (If applicant is not selected it will be refunded in full.)
Phone interviews will be scheduled for the accepted applications the week following the application deadline Notification of full acceptance will be by the following week. The assumption is made that all applicants are mature and take full responsibility for their own psychological healing and sexual wounding.
Attending Level #1 training does not obligate participants to attend Level #2 but it is encouraged. A separate application for subsequent training and certification is required.
Registration fees are tiered depending on CEUs and method of payment:
Application Deposit: $50 Due with application. The deposit will be applied to the registration fee if the applicant is accepted. Non-refundable, unless the application is not accepted.
Registration Fee earning 16 CEU credits with AASECT: $850
Registration Fee for Non-CEU: $800
Trainees who wish to donate additional funds towards the Legacy Fund to aid in potential student discounts for other trainees are encouraged to pay $1,000 - $1,050
An early bird discount of $50 by February 10th
Buddy System: Two accepted applicants who name each other in their application may attend the training for the full price of one training.
All payments must be paid in full by the first day of training unless a payment plan is requested.
Payment plans available: $50 deposit followed by pro-rated payments due before each class. (See the application form for details.)
We are committed to not turning away applicants due to their inability to pay. Please inquire.
Registration Fee includes: Continuing access to IISF copyrighted material, IISF Resource Sheets, Dale/Keller textbook, and access to all training power points.
Your deposit of $50 can be paid below
Applications Open August 14th!
Certification Requirements for Sex & Faith Educators
What clergy and sexologists are saying about this training:
"It engaged my heart and my intellect, was presented clearly, and was well-developed."
"I believe this to be the kind of training that people can take out into all facets of their world and communities. Our influence has been and will continue to expand."
"This training helps us all do more healing work with the faith based community. It allows us to articulate that it’s okay to love pleasure and God!"
"….left me wanting more than I received, affirmed there is a lot of work to be done and that I am not alone in my efforts to address a significant challenge …(in our) approach to sexuality."