Click Here to join the cause!
GOAL $10,000 (Phase #1)
Professional training program for sexologists and religious leaders.
Your gifts will help us:
1) IDENTIFY leading thinkers and researchers, $2,500
2) INTEGRATE the curriculum of sexology and theology, $4,500
3) ORGANIZE and train the leadership team, $3,000
OUR FOCUS is to train pastors and religious professionals in basic sex education and to teach sexologists in basic Christianity that contradicts the shame-based and guilt-inducing religious teaching. We are building a unique training opportunity.
This is the first step.
It's time!
Check out these gifts for our supporters - OUR WAY of SAYING THANK YOU!
$75 - become a Missionary of Pleasure! (includes our Missionary of Pleasure card, pledge, and button) or
Membership card $25.00
Membership card and Pledge $30.00
Missionary of pleasure button $50.00
(All gifts of $100 or more will include the Missionary of Pleasure pack as well.)
$100 - receive an autographed book written by one of our IISF Advisors
$200 - choose 2 books
$500 - choose 4 books
Book Options:
​On the Couch (2013), Michele Angello
Out of the Shadows into the Light, Christianity and Homosexuality (2009), Miguel De La Torre
A Lily Among the Thorns, Imagining a New Christian Sexuality (2007), Miguel De La Torre
Black Bodies and the Black Church: A Blues Slant (2014), Kelly Brown Douglas
Sexuality and the Black Church, a Womanist Perspective (1999), Kelly Brown Douglas
Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times (2012), Marvin Ellison
Sensuous Spirituality (2008), Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
Is the Homosexual my Neighbor? (1997), Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
Omnigender (2007), Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
Sex + Faith, Talking with your Child from Birth to Adolescence (2013), Kate Ott
The G spot (2005), Beverly Whipple
The Science of Orgasm (2006), Beverly Whipple
The Orgasm Answer Guide (2010), Beverly Whipple
$1,000 - 1-hour consultation via phone or Skype with an advisor of your choice
Dr. Beverly Whipple, a leading expert on sexual matters but especially the G-spot and women’s sexuality.
Michele Angello, a counselor on sexuality issues especially in the sexual minority communities and an international expert on trans youth.
Dr. Virginia Mollenkott, a renowned author on the Bible and sexuality especially sexual minority communities.
Dr. Kate Ott, an ethicist with interest in how to talk to your youth about sex and faith.
Chris Paige, a specialist on the religious and political landscapes for trans people.
Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale, pastor and founder of IISF specializing in sexual diversity and sexual freedom especially non-traditional relationships.
$5,000 - a program on sex and faith
We will bring to your local community a unique sex positive faith program that features two graduates from our program, a sex educator and sex-positive Christian leader.
$10,000 - 30-hour educational program
Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale, our founder, will organize and present this prototype of our training to your area for your organization or community.